by Magnificent Missouri | Sep 30, 2020 | Events, Home Feature
We rang in the new month and celebrated the fall season on Sunday, October 4th, with a visit from the World Bird Sanctuary at Peers Store! They brought with them our national symbol, a beautiful and majestic Bald Eagle. Accompanied by Greg Krone & Chris Talley who...
by Magnificent Missouri | Aug 7, 2020 | Home Feature, News
Penned by Staff Writer Cindy Gladden, this featured Warren County Record story touches on the razing of Treloar Bar and Grill and some exciting new plans to make the most of this property across from the Katy Trail. This piece also tackles bits of its memorable and...
by Magnificent Missouri | Jul 21, 2020 | Home Feature, News
We are pleased to announce that Magnificent Missouri has named a new director who not only has a great love of the land in the Missouri River valley and along the Katy Trail but who also owns several remarkable farm properties in the area. Marschel Wrecking, the...
by Magnificent Missouri | Jul 13, 2020 | uncategorized
The purpose of this document is to outline some guidelines developed for in-person events, based upon the recommendations of the State of Missouri and Warren County. Please note that this is a living document and guidelines may be subject to change. Our goal is to...
by Magnificent Missouri | Jun 30, 2020 | Events
Stream Teams United hosted the Wild and Scenic Film Festival on July 23rd from 7pm-9pm. This experience included $1 tickets with a chance to win a Paddle MO scholarship. There were also raffle tickets available for some amazing prizes! Visit Stream Teams...