Total Solar Eclipse: An Unforgettable Experience
Where: Peers Store
Date: August 21st
Time: 11am to 2pm

Bluegill Buddies
Join us for one of nature’s most incredible displays and plunge into twilight at midday. The Bluegill Buddies will be playing old-time string band music live on the porch, leading us through the total solar eclipse that is set to occur in our area around 1:15pm.
The total solar eclipse will be visible only inside the “path of totality,” where the shadow of the moon will be about 70 miles wide, and will travel all the way across the US. Fortunately for us, the Peers Store falls right within that path! Totality (the period when the sun is completely obscured) will last for, at most, 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

The “path of totality” for the state of Missouri
According to you can expect to witness the following during that time:
- day will turn into night
- the otherwise hidden solar corona (the sun’s outer atmosphere) will become visible / twisting streamers of light emanating from the edges of the obscured sun become visible
- the loss of sunlight can cause the temperature to drop 10 or more degrees
- shadows will look sharper on the ground, so it’s possible to see individual hairs on your head in your shadow
- bright stars and planets will become visible, and you might catch a glimpse of the planet Mercury, which is difficult to see on a normal day because of how close it orbits to the sun.
REMEMBER: Looking directly at the sun, even when it is partially covered by the moon, can cause serious eye damage or blindness. NEVER look at a partial solar eclipse without proper eye protection. Click here to see a variety of eclipse glasses you can purchase for the event.